Saturday 22 October 2011

What is peripheral device?

A peripheral is a device attached to a host computer, but not part of it, and is more or less dependent on the host. It expands the host's capabilities, but does not form part of the core computer architecture.
Examples are computer printers, image scanners, tape drives, microphones, loudspeakers, webcams, and digital cameras.

Friday 21 October 2011

Motherboard Component

The important constituent components of an ATX Motherboard are given below:

  1. Mouse & keyboard
  2. USB
  3. Parallel port
  4. CPU Chip
  5. RAM slots
  6. Floppy controller
  7. IDE controller
  8. PCI slot
  9. ISA slot
  10. CMOS Battery
  11. AGP slot
  12. CPU slot
  13. Power supply plug in

Computer Maintenance Checklist!

At system setup
  1. Install a surge suppressor/emergency shutdown power strip
  2. Register your software products
  3. Schedule automated updates
  4. Read the maintenance section of your manual
  5. Set up your email to auto-archive older messages
  6. Install anti virus software
  7. Install anti-advertising software
  8. Put your software drivers in a pocket sleeve 3 ring binder
  1. Run a disk scan to check for hard drive issues
  2. Run a defragmentation program
  3. Run a clean up to delete unneeded files
  4. Back up your files to a remote location
  5. Empty your recycle bin
  6. Delete your Internet files
  7. Clear your browsing history
  8. Delete your cookies
  9. Update your virus definitions
  10. Run a full virus scan
  1. Check for updates
  2. Delete/uninstall unneeded or unused programs
  1. Clean your keyboard
  2. Clean your monitor
  3. Clean your peripherals
  4. Rebuild your desktop
  5. Change all your passwords
  1. Renew your software update and anti virus subscriptions

Thursday 20 October 2011


This blog is an assignment from a subject in Diploma in Computer Networking (DCNT)
This assignment require 1 group consist 3 members and that is Muhammad Aizudin,
Ahmad Fadhil and Tengku Ahmad Syamil. fullstop